Today I became a bit disturbed when I read someone's blog. A blog that's usually about gaming, and D&D in particular. I am not going to mention the name of the blog, because I no longer want to promote that blog. Trust me, I am a big advocate of free speech, but I feel that with that freedom comes a certain responsibility. The post on this blog was to say the least, very political, ( at least in my opinion ), and the blogger came across as being very abrasive. I understand having strong feelings about something, but what was said, and how it was said was to me just plain wrong.
Why am I even discussing this? Because, as a blogger I want to be clear that no matter how many people read this blog, or how many followers I have, this blog will always be about gaming, in one form or another, usually role-playing. I am not going to try to foster my beliefs and opinions on my readers, unless it's about gaming. Especially if my readership grows, to do so would be wrong in my opinion. If I want to blog about something political, religious, or whatever, I have other blogs for that. Or I can start a new one. I went to that blog today expecting something about gaming, or close enough to warrant my attention, and that's not what was there. I read it anyway, and in a way I felt betrayed. The blogger is entitled to their opinion, they can even blog about it, but if you have a blog that is supposed to be about a certain subject, and you change the editorial content in a big way, then it's deceitful. Even if it's just for ONE POST. You have the followers for a reason, stick to your usual content. I am NOT INTERESTED in your political/religious/whatever views, unless it somehow pertains to the subject of your blog, and even then I'm probably not interested.
If you want to blog about politics then start another blog, if your blog is about gaming, then blog about gaming. I understand there may be the occasional off topic post, but this post was beyond the pale, and in a way very hypocritical. I understand that it is their blog, and that they can blog about whatever they want, but I don't have to promote it, read it, or support it.
I don't mind the occassional "slice o' life", biographical, what's going on in my life posts. In fact I enjoy those as much as anything else, even when it doesn't have much to do with gaming.
Anyway, thanks for reading. Tomorrow, back to something gaming related, and hopefully fun, informative, and entertaining. I promise I will try to hit all three...
Trade In Fantasy Ch. 3: Routine Personnel, Pt 4
10 hours ago