Really? I mean really? You haven't downloaded the Secret Santicore 2011 PDF yet? Yeah, I'm looking at you! Go to this blog ( Giblet Blizzard ), and download it now! It's a six pack of awesome sauce.
Seriously, it's a very professional looking PDF. If you're into OSR gaming, you will find something in it you can use! The best thing is that it's FREE. Of course if it's ever put up on Lulu, or some other POD site, I would probably buy it. It's just that good. Even if you never use it in a game, the darn thing is an entertaining read. Also, the art is great.
I believe this is the second year of the Secret Santicore project. ( I could be wrong... ) I wish I would have motivated myself to participate, but hopefully I can next year!
If you're a writer, and are feeling motivated and creative, Arkhein of the Rather Gamey blog, has extended his Vayniris Anthology Project deadline to the end of March. For more details go check out his blog.
Now, I thought I would give my readers a heads up. I have an aunt in the hospital, and not doing well. If this blog goes dark for a while, well you know the reason why. If you're the praying type, please, please say a prayer for her. Or just send good thoughts her way. She is one of my favorite aunts. My mom and her sister, and brother in-law left tonight to go to the hospital. ( She lives in Arkansas. ) I have to stay here and watch the house. It's just too soon after my sister passed away, of course it's never a good time to lose someone. My mom is really upset, and to tell you the truth I'm barely keeping myself together.
I didn't expect 2012 to start the same way as 2011. I just feel sick to my stomach.
Weathered and Worn
10 hours ago
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