32 days into 2012, and this is the 205th post for Have Dice, Will Travel. HDWT has 68 followers, although at least one of those is a duplicate of another, and there are some fictional followers as well. When I finally discovered the fictional followers I had a good chuckle.
So far this year I've written one minor rant, and one major rant, and hopefully they will be the last ones this year. I really don't like ranting. I'm a mellow, laid back kind of guy. However, if something ticks me off, if I see something I consider to be an injustice, if I see someone attacked or bullied... Well, I do what I can to make things right, or at least give moral support.
All the discussion and outrage and well everything about 5E has amused me. I'm also a little intrigued about what may result? Of course we have a long wait... Wake me when it's out. Of course TEOTWAWKI might hit before then... Hhhmmm... if the Wizards of the Coast screw it up, then it might be TEOWOTC! Hahahaha... I crack me up sometimes.
Actually, I'm becoming slightly interested in Pathfinder. Now if I can just sell a kidney, then I can afford the books! Haha.. I'll be here all week folks. I actually haven't made a single "gaming" purchase yet this year, but I'm sure that will change.
Last night I downloaded AutoREALM. A free mapping program, that I had forgetten I had downloaded once before. I'm not sure I like it. Maybe I need to find a tutorial, and learn how to use it better. Anyone have any experience with it? Is there some kind of advantage to using it instead of a regular graphics program like GIMP or Paint.Net? I find it kind of clunky.
Well, I think I'll close for now. I keep losing my connection, and it really wrecks havoc with my train of thought. And we all know a train of thought wreck isn't a good thing.
1/56 Beirut Street detritus ZAZ-968
7 hours ago
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