I know it's been a long while, and after I had taken a break I fully intended to start blogging again. Unfortunately things went to Hell in a handbasket. My father passed away on March 19, 2012. I went to check on him, and found him. I wouldn't want to wish that on my worst enemy. I called 911, but as I suspected it was too late. I trained to be an EMT, but some things they just can't train you for. The Parademics, and EMTs that responded were very professional, as well as the LEOs. Of course the police questioned me, and looked around the condo. The ME questioned me over the phone, and asked me if I thought his death was due to natural causes, and I said yes. So he didn't come out to investigate, and just sent a team for a pick up. It had figuratively and literally turned into a dark and stormy night, so the ME didn't want to get out in the storm. I don't blame him.
So after they removed my father, my mother ( who had arrived earlier )and I started removing valuables. Not fun. Why? Because as I said, it was pouring down rain. Then came all the decision making about final arrangements, but I won't bore you with the details. My father will be interred at the DFW National Cemetary this Wednesday.
Then to make matters worse, a week or so ago my neck started hurting. I have what two or three doctors called a sebaceous cyst growing on the back of the neck. It's fairly large, but not huge. I was worried it had become infected, and went to the urgent care clinic at the hospital. After making it through triage, the nurse looked at it, and her exact words were, "I'm very concerned about this..." She went and grabbed a doctor. He looked at it, and kind of tsked, and said this isn't a cyst, but I didn't need to rushed into surgery or anything. So... whew. Later he told me it was a lipoma, a noncancereous tumor. How can so many doctors get something so simple wrong??? I will probably be having surgery in a few months.
And to make things even more interesting, if you follow the news you know the Dallas/Fort Worth area got hit by some tornadoes. Yes, one went right over where I was. Fun times. There are other things that have happened, but I've written enough about these dark days. I want to move on. So four weeks of utter chaos. I hope the Black Cloud is done with me. If anything good has come out of this, it's that I've found an inner strength I didn't know I had.
My break from blogging may continue for a bit longer. Not sure when I will return, but I will return.
Bundle of Holding - Stillfleet (Sci-Fi RP
7 hours ago